Reading in Reciprocity
I help you, you help me and this way we help more people.
What is theReading in Reciprocity?
THEreading on reciprocitywas created with the intention of helping you, my consultant friend, who needs tarot advice for the moment she is facing in her life.
Be it in love life (relationships), family, professional (work/studies), financial life (money) or spiritual life.
That moment when we need advice that calms our heart.
If you want this type of consultation that is within your financial conditions.
All you have to do is contribute a symbolic value of R$50.00 for thePIX 11 98408983 .
And send the receipt to the same number(Whatsapp)to schedule your appointment.
Too many hours on other days of the weekare intended forother types of services.
Detail !!!The valuehave to be from the heart, without advantage behavior or cleverness .
So that you enter the energy of reciprocity .
So I help you, you help me and together we help more people and share the energy ofRECIPROCITY.
Service is performed every Thursdaysin the energy of reciprocity .
The farms having a limit of1 service per personper month. Bookings for reading in reciprocity are carried out after confirmation of your contribution. The constructed value must be given from the heart, without behavior of pity petty, advantage or cleverness.Not disregarding the knowledge and spirituality of the tarot reader so that she can enter into the energy of reciprocity .
If you were treated atThursday reading in reciprocityyou will only be able to go back to the service after 15 days, if you have a vacancy available. This way, other people will have the chance to also be treated like you.
So I help you and together we help more people in the energy of RECIPROCITY.
Other times and days of the weekare intended forother types of consultation.
No extra service will be charged during the service!
As I also do not do or undo spiritual works of negative magic.
Thank you for your understanding! Kisses, light and much Axé!
Yourtarologist friend Fer Fronzi.
Tarot consultations always have a recommendation for an energy bath, if you accept and like herbal baths. They can be purchased in person consultations or via Telegram / Whats or Shopee.